I am a Canadian-Italian student in my 4th year at TRU. Studying Psychology and Public Relations is a stepping stone for my career path, as I’ve been steadily studying for the LSAT and preparing for law school applications. I’ve had a passion for law and helping people since I was quite young, and look forward to pursuing immigration or international law.
In my time at TRU, I’ve had the opportunity to work as a Resident Advisor for several years, and have recently joined the TRUSU Campaigns committee. Throughout grade school, I took psychology, law, and political sciences, which have stood me in good stead, and let me here. I chose Public Relations when I was already halfway through my psychology degree. I took one communications class as an elective, and I was hooked. Having performed for many years, public speaking was not something I shied away from, being able to look at it from an analytical perspective was a whole rewrite.
As I plan to be a wildly successful lawyer, knowing and applying skills in public speaking, press releases, interviews, and countless other things will help me get the desired outcome on a case. I am looking forward to this class and all the knowledge it will bring.