Hi there!

Welcome to Millie’s lab – it’s nice to see you!

This website is a hub for my exercises and assignments throughout this course. CMNS 3550 (W25): Media and Public Relations covers learning outcomes such as developing and applying strategies and practices to organizations, interviews, press releases, and other forms of media. I’m pleased to be able to demonstrate my learning on this site.

Learning is a privilege and I am grateful every day to be able to come to school. I am driven and passionate, and I intend to show this throughout this course. I look forward to being challenged, as it reminds me how fortunate I am to be able to study and grow. I look at this course as an opportunity to lay the foundation to build a career in speaking to and for people. With law being the end goal, public relations provides a stepping stone to becoming the best I can be.The assignments and exercises posted on this site are reflections of my academic journey, and I look forward to seeing how this site grows as I do.

Thank you for being here. Enjoy your stay!

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